FINMB - ViM (A New Series!)
Welcome internet friend, to the first in a series of posts I call “Fuck! its not my box…” or FINMB for short. We’ve all had it happen. You spend hours tinkering and configuring. setting up dotfiles, changing settings, getting it juuuuust right. And then, whether youre a l33t Hax0r 7...
DC26 - a room full of hackers in which I don't belong
DEFCON 26 is over! As much as I would have liked to write posts each day, both too little and too much has happened for that to have been possible. So I am writing one overarching post, and will maybe cover more in-depth thoughts in later posts. So where to...
Broadcasting More Brainwaves for Public Consumption
Maybe I got a little too excited with the weird and nondescriptive title! Oh Well, I like it! I’ve noticed several things, so this is another braindump disguised as a blog post on a blog nobody reads. First, I never post on this blog anymore. The intention was never for...
Reevaluating Trust in a Connected World
Recently, I received my Daskeyboard 5Q which is awesome. Already, the local REST API is great and the color profiles are very nice. But the real power comes in when connected with IFTTT or Zapier. These services have many triggers and actions preset so that building recipes is very easy....
Microsoft buys GitHub - the end of the world? No.
This blog is and will continue to be hosted on Github pages. Microsoft hasn’t ruined everything, and there’s no need to panic (yet)! Well it’s Monday and the panic is on. People are fleeing Github as fast as they can. I’m here to say: PLEASE STOP! The world is not...
The Cambridge Analytical Hearings
Before I start, I would like to say the opinons here are my own, and are not representative of anyone or anything else. You may not agree with my points, and that’s okay. I love a good, civil debate. If you disagree with any point I’ve made, I am open...
Help! my base64 lost its case!
This is a problem I encountered today, and the solution I came up with. This is not a perfect solution, but it may help if you encounter this problem. A chunk of data was sent from point A to point B. Along the way, I received a copy of the...
Hiatus End And The great Github Cleanup
Another post after a long, long hiatus. As far as I’m aware, nobody read these posts. There’s no reason to. I post infrequently and nothing of much interest. But even if nobody reads it, it helps me organize my thoughts, marks my milestones and goals, and gives me a place...