Broadcasting More Brainwaves for Public Consumption
Maybe I got a little too excited with the weird and nondescriptive title! Oh Well, I like it! I’ve noticed several things, so this is another braindump disguised as a blog post on a blog nobody reads.
First, I never post on this blog anymore. The intention was never for others to follow it and use RSS and eagerly await my next riveting update. It was just so I have a place to post my ramblings for future use, or share with whoever may care about what I have to say about a specific thing. This feels like something I want to change, because it’s nice to have something to look back on. I intend to post here more often. Not for anyone in particular. Not for an audience, or because I’m interesting, but just because it helps clear my brain to write like this without structure. And occasionally I like to look back on such ramblings. Thats what the title was all about. Too often I keep my thoughts inside, they clutter my head, and then get forgotten. I want to write them down more, and not on loose scraps of paper, but somewhere I and possibly others can find them later.
I also sometimes use it as a TODO list, not because I have no better system (I use Trello mostly), but because I like the idea of my TODO list concerning certain things being public. People can see it, make suggestions, or if they are extremely interested in something I will likely never get around to, take the idea and run with it for themselves. Please do, and let me know how that goes!
Which brings me to second point. Every post, I close out with “nobody reads this, but if you do, please let me know your thoughts or whatever on the topic.” It’s been in the back of my mind for a while that if someone somehow stumbled across that and had a really good idea, I haven’t provided any avenue to relay that. The about page is really bad at the time of writing, and doesnt provide any way to contact me, or leave feedback of any sort. I dont like the idea of a comment section. It would be badly implemented, probably use disqus (which I really dont want to do), and just look out of place on this carefully minimal site. So Im going not going to do that, but instead offer more links where to find me. Emails, Discord, Github, Lichess, Last.FM, etc. Please, send me pull requests, play a game of chess with me, or see what I’m listening to and suggest music!
Lastly, Most of my posts are not useful to anyone. They are rambly, and ill-structured. I acknowledge openly that I don’t expect anyone actually reads these. And thats okay, and if you do, Thank you! (but you must have something better to do, no? xD) I’m thinking of splitting this blog into two sections. One will still be this, where I just open vim and smear my squishy brain onto the keyboard. The other one will be long form articles. Something worth sharing, expressing something worth expressing. Writing more professionally written articles where I actually have a point is something I would like to do. Likely I will write these on Medium, or some platform other than a github pages site nobody knows of. But I will also mirror them here.
Well thats all for now. Thanks for reading.