I am just a 20-something that has a long held passion for computers. Everything about computers and electronics fascinates me but I tend to spend most of my time on Network Security, Cryptography, Programming, Linux, Reverse Engineering, Penetration Testing, and malware and exploit analysis and development. It sounds like a lot, and it is, But when you enjoy doing something, you can get carried away, and that’s definitely a good thing.
Im also an avid chess player, although im not great (far from it), and an avid music fan. I have an adorable furball of a cat, a beautiful wife, too many hobbies, and no free time. What more could you ask for?
Below, I’ve left many contacts! Email me interesting things, Fork me on GitHub, send me pull requests, challenge me to a game of chess, see what I’m listening to, and more. Im a pretty nice guy, and I love interacting and talking to people.
Github: DeadPix3l Email: (to be added later)
Lichess: kareon Last.FM: (to be added later)