Style Changes
[ ]New Features! Well, I got bored, and decided I wanted to add some flair to this blog. But, I also wanted to keep it minimal and not too cluttered. So, what’s the solution to this? Well it comes in three parts. The first part is a new ‘color’ header in some of my posts. This allows me to change the color of the header text/logo. If I decide not specify, it will default to boring old black. Although I might change that. I’m thinking a subtle gray. Not quite that invisible white, #FFF, but maybe #AAA.
Secondly, along with the color change, I’ve added a color code. You can notice it on this post, next to the logo. I think it adds a bit of flair on it’s own, but it’s also functional! If you like the color, theres no color pickers or digging through the code for a style tag. It tells you right there what that beautiful color is! This only shows up as applicable, and will not show if the color is boring black. Unless I specifically set black, but why would I do that. (I might just do it for fun occasionally now that I think of it.)
The third feature is not implemented yet. But it will be!
I intend to tag all of the posts on this beautiful site, so they can be searched by tag. no scrolling through the 100s currently 5 posts!
Oh no no no! You will be able to chose a tag, and view all post related to just that!
But that’s a future thing.
That’s all for now, thanks for coming.